Rome was a huge and very complex system of different peoples, nations, cities and towns that at its most successful spanned the entire Mediterranean Sea from Spain to Turkey and went north as far as France and South as far as Upper (south) Egypt. Rome was first a republic, meaning a government ruled with the people involved in making the decisions. Then in 48 b.c.e., Gaius Julius Caesar was appointed absolute ruler or emperor of all of Rome and Rome became a vast empire that held reign over the western world until it finally broke apart around 400 a.d.
Roman Theatre is also where we are introduced to the idea of the stock character. Stock characters are stereotypes: different types of people who fit into a certain mold. In Roman theatre, we have stock characters like the flirty maid, the mean old man, the gossipy old woman, the bragging soldier and the smart servant. These stock characters were like our present day sitcom characters and Roman audiences waited for their favorites to appear on the stage.
About Rome and the Roman Theatre
~I think Rome and the Roman Theatre has it's similarites and differences with our modern American Theatre.
Similarites: We both use mask and make-up and maybe share the same stories
Differences: In modern America men and women can perfom. In Ancient Rome only men can perform.
~Ayesha Butler
Hey Bodie,
I have a couple of questions. Why did the empire fall apart in 400 a.d? Second did the Greeks get mad at the Romans for stealing their ideas? Also why were the Greeks so into their rituals? Didn't they want to take risk and expand their plays?
so rome is a government ruled with the people involved in making the decisions, decisions like making up the roman theatre also i didn't know that rome was related to latin who made up the language latin?
hey mr.bodie
i read the blog but i have a question
in class you explained how the roman empire fell dowm and it explains it a lil bit in the reading but i would like to know how did the romans get rid of cesar did he just die or people killed him couse they envyed him???
thats all thanks for the reading
oh wow the doggie lookz like it is possesed...but it is very nice art work...duccesz
thx for posting
I love all the art work ...& i love the blog
this is great. how come you didn't mention anything about that theater the romans designed that was the archway that looked like the set went off into the distance
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