Actor- The name of the first soloist in Greek Theatre. Now, the name for a performer who recites lines and does blocking as a part of a play or movie.
Ampitheatre- from two words meaning "around" and "place for speaking." The greek Ampitheatre was a half circle of audience seating that looked down on the playing area, called the orchestra.
Comedy- A play that had funny themes and plots.
Chorus- Group of men who recited/ sang in unison.
Deus ex Machina- Literally "God From Machine" was a spectale device that would "fly" an actor portraying a God in and out of the playing area in Greek Theatre.
Dionysus- God of Wine. The Festival of Dionysus is when the first plays were performed.
Mask- A wooden or (sometimes) leather or plaster mask in Greek theatre used to portray characters.
Orchestra- The place in Greek Theatre where the actors and chorus performed. Now the word for either a group of musicians or the front seating area in a big theatre.
Proscenion- The place right in front of the Scene that had a raised playing platform.
Parodos- The "wings" or exits for Greek theatre that were closest to the audience. The word "Parody" comes from the word Parodos.
Scene- The building or house that held the backstage area in Greek theatre.
Tragedy- a play with serious themes and an unhappy ending in Greek theatre.
thanks i learned alot i took notes on the vocab. i have two questions
1.who made up the Deus ex Machina?
2.weren't mask made of stone too?
hey thanks for information
n thanks for helping me find your blog spot this morning
the amphitheater is pretty cool and i can kind of relate to today's theater's.
one question
could everybody really hear the actors and the orchestra in the last rows in the top??
Omg tHeIr uSe oF woRdS Is...?...buT ThEIr MaSk aNd fAcEs aRe UgH BUt wItH OuT ThEm iT WoULDnT lOOK RigHt!i Have a QUicK qUEsTiOn uMM HOw dO THe pEoPlE WAY uP Top hEAR TRHE AcToRs sInCe ThEY tAlK OuT oF LiTtLe hOlEs? ...jEePeRs tHeAtRe IsZ ReAllY WIeRd!... ThAnKz fOr tHe InfO BORING BuT InTeReStiNG!!
I just learned some great new facts that i just shared wit my family!
Thanks 4 the information
I noticed that scene means something different than it did back then. Back then it meant " the building or house that hold the backstage area in Greek Theatre. Now adays its the background/ setting of a play.
Why did they change some of the words? Like Orchestra, Scene and Actor. Becuase now adays thoses words mean like more then one.
how did scene change from backstage to the setting of the play?
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